Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Standardized testing: what is it, issues, and my personal experiences

 Standardized testing is defined as a method of assessment built on the principle of consistency. This means that all test takers answer the same questions and are graded in the same way. These tests are used all throughout a student's education. They are often used to compare class progress, especially in elementary or high school. Some of these tests are used to apply for college entry, such as the American College Test. Standardized tests can measure readiness of prospective students for professional degree programs, such as the MCAT or the LSAT. This is important in education because the scores can offer an objective measurement of education. However, there are some negatives to standardized testing. For example, an op-ed claims that standardized tests cause stress, anxiety, and sleep problems for students. This is due to the amount of pressure that is put into these tests.

Student feeling the pressure of standardized testing

I have had varying experience related to standardized testing. I first took a standardized test in the third grade, which was the TCAP test. My school gave me the TCAP alternate test instead of the regular test with accommodations. After discovering that I was given the wrong type of TCAP test, my parents advocated for me to take the regular TCAP. Starting in the 4th grade, I took the regular TCAP test. However, I have also experienced some issues with the TCAP tests. In 7th grade, the online system for delivering the assessment would not work. After resolving the issues, I got through the assessment. I took the ACT in my senior year of high school. I had to advocate to receive accommodations for the test. I felt really intense pressure to do well on this test because I thought I would not get into college with a low score. However, after UTK decided to go test optional, I got in with a 22 composite score. Another problem I have encountered is that the scores do not come back in enough time to impact student grades. I believe that standardized testing has a lot of biases that affect people of color and poor people the most. I also believe that standardized tests only determine which students are the best test takers. Students are not defined by a standardized test score because the test does not always show what the student is capable of.

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